Spring has a way of bringing the feeling that anything is possible. It is welcome over here as we are creating from the ground up so many new things. While Kris and I have experience in many areas that support building Freebird, we’ve never built a retreat space before. We are literally in flow and leaning HEAVILY on our guidance to show us the way. We know and have known for some time the callings within us to hold space for all the magic that we feel needs a place to grow. We feel it in each of you, and we feel it within our gatherings. This is special, what we are building- not just Kris, I and our partners- but all of us, this amazing and beautiful community. I feel you, your magic, your support and our connection. This community who has been there from the start, helping us move furniture in, those who are among the first to show up hosting and attending retreats, and those I know are en route on their way to joining us, feeling the pulse of Freebird and inspired to check it all out.
We see you all and give deep bows of gratitude. What an adventure this has been, and I know we are just getting started. Yes, we have created the space, and we are gathering beautiful friends for these very first retreats, but you are holding space for us by showing up. You are holding space for us to grow into the roles that we don’t even fully comprehend yet. It’s all in growth mode, just as the bulbs that are pushing through the dark underground to sprout and reach for the sun. We are just trusting the call to grow. And what an absolute blessing that you are here helping us define this space and our roles with what you bring. We are all just holding space for each other.
Deep bows of gratitude, friends. Thank you so much for being here.
Ultimately, the intention of Freebird Valley is to hold space for others to grow, heal, ascend. To walk their path on their highest timeline, to acknowledge themselves, love themselves and heal themselves so they may reclaim their power and sovereignty. To leave lighter and take that light out into the world. I feel that this is a shared intention with all the facilitators who bring their own frameworks and specialized modalities to the retreats and classes. This is a shared intention within the community.
And, I invite anyone who is a friend of Freebird, even if you are not a host or have yet to sign up for a retreat, to share in holding this beautiful container. I have known for a while that I wanted to start a scholarship fund for Freebird. Honestly, I thought I would begin working on it and putting it out there once things were more “established” or whatever that means. But as I said, Spring has a way of inspiring new and unexpected. It feels time to introduce this idea and begin building it out. We all can hold space for the betterment of our community, whether it’s facilitating, attending or contributing to the scholarship fund that supports others on this path. As I begin putting the structure in place, I will keep you posted on the hows and wheres of it all. But for now, I am planting the seed in this potent spring soil.
Sending love and gratitude,